01/10/2024 掲載 Released
Notice of opening of Japanese product shipping service website 日本発、商品発送代行サービス開始のお知らせ
Today, we have started a Japanese product or goods forwarding service for shipments from Japan to overseas. If you have concerns such as "I found a product I want while browsing a Japanese online shopping website, but I'm worried about whether it can be shipped overseas" or "I contacted a Japanese online shopping website but they do not offer international shipping," we are here to support you. If you are facing issues like "I want to try Japanese food I saw on social media, but I don't know where to buy the ingredients," please feel free to contact us for advice. Please note that there may be items that cannot be accommodated due to import restrictions in your country or region, items prohibited by international postal regulations, or items that we do not ship according to our company's policies.
本日、海外在住の方々向けの商品発送代行サービスを開始致しました。 日本の商品が便利だったことに気付いたり、日本の食品が恋しくなったりと海外で生活している方たちの「あるある」だったりするかと思います。 日本に一時帰国の際に手荷物いっぱいに食品や生活雑貨を詰め込んで帰っても、3カ月もすると食品などは使い切ってしまいますよね? 最寄りのアジア食材店で販売している食材は同じメーカーの物でも味が違うけれどと我慢されていらっしゃる方も。 そのようなお悩みをお持ちの方々に当社のサービスに興味を持って戴ければ幸いです。