Prohibited Items
Prohibited items for all countries
Aviation hazardous materials

Explosives (Class 1)
Fireworks, firecrackers, smoke bombs, smoke signals, signal flares, training shells, seat belt, photographic strobe light bulbs, etc.

Gases (Class 2)
引火性ガス (区分2.1) ライター、カセットコンロ用ガス、ガスボンベ、水素ガス、プロパン、アセチレン、ブタン、引火性エアゾールなど 非引火性ガス (区分2.2) 圧縮空気、消火器、ヘリウムガス、冷媒用ガス類、液体窒素など 毒性ガス (区分2.3) 一酸化炭素、酸化エチレン、二酸化硫黄、液体アンモニア、塩素、殺虫剤など
【Division 2.1 Flammable gases】 Lighters, gas for camping stoves, gas cylinders, hydrogen gas, propane, acetylene, butane, flammable aerosols, etc. 【Division 2.2 Non-flammable, non-toxic gases】 Compressed air, fire extinguishers, helium gas, refrigerant gases, liquid nitrogen, etc. 【Division 2.3 Toxic gases】 Carbon monoxide, ethylene oxide, sulfur dioxide, liquid ammonia, chlorine, insecticides, etc.

Flammable liquids (Class 3)
Methyl alcohol, alcohol, gasoline, ethanol, paints, printing ink, fragrances, adhesives, kerosene, petroleum, etc.

Flammable solids (Class 4)
可燃性固体、自己反応性物質、鈍性化火薬類 (区分4.1) マッチ、セルロイド、フィルム、リン、硫黄、金属粉末など 自然発火性物質、自己発熱性物質 (区分4.2) 黄りん、黄りんマッチ、使い捨てカイロ、活性炭(紀州備長炭、沖縄パイン炭を除く)、硫化ナトリウムなど 水反応可燃性物質 (区分4.3) カーバイド、カルシウム、バリウム、マグネシウム粉末、アルミニウム粉末など
【Division 4.1 Flammable Solids/self-reactive substances, desensitized explosives】 Matches, celluloid, films, phosphorus, sulfur, metal powder, etc. 【Division 4.2 Substances liable to spontaneous combustion/self-heating substances】 Yellow phosphorus, yellow phosphorus matches, disposable hand warmers, activated charcoal/carbon (excluding Kishu Binchotan and Okinawa pine charcoal), sodium sulfide, etc. 【Division 4.3 Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases】 Calcium carbide, calcium, barium, magnesium powder, aluminum powder, etc.

Oxidizing substances (Class 5)
酸化性物質 (区分5.1) 過酸化水素、塩素酸ナトリウム、硝酸アンモニウム肥料、漂白剤、小型酸素発生器など 有機過酸化物 (区分5.2) メチルエチルケトンパーオキサイド、過酸化ベンゾイル、過酢酸、ニキビの治療薬、消毒薬など
【Division 5.1 Oxidizing substances】 Hydrogen peroxide, sodium chlorate, ammonium nitrate fertilizers, bleaching agents, small oxygen generators, etc. 【Division 5.2 Organic peroxides】 Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, benzoyl peroxide, peracetic acid, acne treatments, disinfectants, etc.

Toxic and Infectious Substances (Class 6)
毒物 (区分6.1) 殺虫剤、砒素化合物、水銀化合物、消毒剤、染料、医薬品、アクリルアミドなど 病毒を移しやすい物質 (区分6.2) ヴィールス、バクテリア、生物由来物質カテゴリーB (RIS,UN 2814 or UN 2900) 医療、臨床廃棄物、肝炎や小児マヒビールズ(ワクチンではない)など
【Division 6.1 Toxic substances】 Insecticides, arsenic compounds, mercury compounds, disinfectants, dyes, pharmaceuticals, acrylamide, pesticides, etc. 【Division 6.2 Infectious substances】 Viruses, bacteria, biological substances category B (RIS, UN 2814 or UN 2900), medical, clinical waste, hepatitis and pediatric paralysis vaccines (not vaccines), etc.

Radioactive material (Class 7)
Radioactive materials, antique tableware and watches (containing luminous dyes), instruments, etc.

Corrosive substances (Class 8)
Hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, mercury, liquid batteries, acids, alkalis, storage batteries, etc.

Miscellaneous dangerous goods (Class 9)
環境汚染物質(UN 3077 or UN 3082)、内燃機関、電動車椅子、ホルマリン、ポリ塩化ビフェニル、ポリスチレンビーズ、ドライアイス、香水、化粧品、日焼け止め、育毛剤、ヘアトニック、消臭剤、リチウム金属電池、リチウムイオン電池、磁性物質、磁石など
Environmentally hazardous substances (UN 3077 or UN 3082), internal combustion engines, electric wheelchairs, formalin, polychlorinated biphenyls, polystyrene beads, dry ice, perfumes, cosmetics, sunscreens, hair growth products, hair tonics, deodorizers, lithium metal batteries, lithium-ion batteries, magnetized materials, magnets, seat belt, etc.
Any item whose packaging size or weight exceeds the postal regulations.
Items that cannot be sent by international mail to all countries and regions. According to the Universal Postal Union (UPU), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) treaties, and International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations, the following items cannot be handled universally.
その他、お取り扱いが出来ないもの (当社としてお取り扱いが出来ないものも含む)
Other items that cannot be handled (including items that cannot be handled by the Company)
麻薬類(あへん、モルヒネ、コカインその他の麻薬)、生きた動物、腐りやすい物(腐敗しやすい肉及び魚、果実及び野菜、悪臭を発する物質)、昆虫(蜜蜂、水ひる、蚕、ハエ、寄生虫、昆虫の寄生虫を含む)、 生鮮食品、冷蔵食品、冷凍食品、わいせつな物品、武器、銃砲刀剣類、家畜の餌、飼料、ワシントン条約に制限されるもの、象牙、象牙製品、ふかひれ、文書、国宝・重要文化財および美術品、コピーディスク、 原産地を偽った表示や誤認させる商品、偽造または海賊版の物品、再発行が困難なもの、他の荷物に損害を及ぼすおそれのあるもの、再生不可能なもの (原稿、原図、記録が保存されているテープおよびフィルム)、 貴重品 (貨幣、偽造貨幣、硬貨、クレジットカード、キャッシュカード、航空券、銀行券、紙幣、各種の持参人払有価証券、債権、旅行小切手、金、地金、白金、銀、朱玉、宝石貴金属、コンサートのチケットなど)、 遺骨、遺灰、血清、ワクチン、血粉、血液、医薬品 (動物用の医薬品を含む)、植物 (種子、植物の枝、茎、干し草、草、わら、未加工の材木、土、腐敗度など)、 郵送に於いて航空会社の運用、他の郵送物、貨物に損傷をあたえるおそれのあるもの (異臭や悪臭を発するもの、航空輸送中の気圧により内容品漏れのおそれがあるもの)、スプレー缶、 動物・植物検疫所への輸出検査申請を当社ではおこなっておりませんので、差出国の輸出検疫証明書、植物検疫証明書、衛生証明等の書類が必要となる商品や食品。
Narcotics (opium, morphine, cocaine and other narcotics), live animals, perishables (perishable meat and fish, fruits and vegetables, substances emitting foul odors), insects (including bees, water flies, silkworms, flies, parasites and insect parasites), Perishable food, refrigerated food, frozen food, obscene articles, weapons, firearms and knives, livestock feed, animal feed, items restricted by the Washington Convention, ivory, ivory products, shark fin, documents, national treasures, important cultural properties and works of art, copy discs, Items with false or misleading indications of origin, counterfeit or pirated items, items that are difficult to reissue, items that may cause damage to other shipments, non-reproducible items (manuscripts, original drawings, tapes and films on which records are stored), Valuables (coins, counterfeit coins, coins, credit cards, cash cards, airline tickets, banknotes, paper money, various bearer securities, credits, traveler's checks, gold, bullion, platinum, silver, red jade, precious stones, concert tickets, etc.) Remains, ashes, serum, vaccines, blood meal, blood, medicines (including veterinary medicines), plants (seeds, plant branches, stems, hay, grass, straw, unprocessed lumber, soil, decomposition, etc.), Items that may damage airline operations, other shipments, or cargo in shipment (items that emit unusual or foul odors, items that may leak contents due to air pressure during air transportation), spray cans, Goods and foodstuffs for which documents such as export quarantine certificates, phytosanitary certificates, and sanitary certificates of the sending country are required, as we do not apply for export inspection to animal and plant quarantine stations.
EU (European Union) Regulations
EU(欧州連合)加盟国へ食品を送るにあたり、規制があります。 生産から加工、流通に乗せるまでの工程に関して彼らの基準を満たすことにより輸出することが出来きます。 品目が禁制品でなくても認定を受けていない施設で加工された食品はヨーロッパ到着の後、輸入が出来ないといったことがあります。 輸入を拒否された全ての事例が掲載されているわけではございませんが RASFF(Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed)から閲覧が可能ですのでEU(欧州連合)加盟国を含む欧州のお客さまは商品のご購入をされる前に一度ご確認ください。
There are regulations for sending food products to European Union (EU) member countries. Foods can only be exported if they meet their standards from production to processing and distribution. Even if an item is not prohibited, if it was processed in an unauthorized facility, it may not be allowed to be imported once it arrives in Europe. Not all cases of import refusals are listed here. However, customers in Europe, including EU (European Union) member countries, are advised to check the RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) before making a purchase.
RASFFはこちら Click here for RASFF
In addition to the above, there are other items that are prohibit for import depending on your country or region.
Please be sure to check the list of prohibited items for each country.
Even if you mistakenly purchased an item that cannot be shipped internationally, you will be required to contact the source of purchase directly to return the purchased item.
Please be careful when purchasing products.